Transforming Australian Agriculture, one connection at a time.

Contact Farm Table
  • Central Victoria
  • (03) 5407-0230

There’s something that I really need your help with.

I’d like to invite you to participate in a survey to gather anonymous data on the prevalence of domestic abuse and coercive control in Australian farming families and the impact that this has on the family farming dynamic and succession planning. Quite a heavy topic but it’s something that has come up time & time again when I talk to people about their experiences with succession planning. I understand completely that this is a sensitive subject and I assure you that your responses will remain completely confidential; there is no way to link answers to any individual, your email address is not collected or recorded and the only information I will get is what you choose to share. You have complete control.

Please take a few minutes to fill out the survey.

Your input is crucial and will help me understand and address the challenges many face. The whole point of this podcast is to explore the challenges, barriers and real human cost of poor succession planning in the agricultural industry. And there is no way that we can talk about succession without talking about the power structures and relationship dynamics that exist.